CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX Strength 8-10 SETS (Weight) 10 Tempo Incline Barbell Bench Press (30X0) -Rest 1:00- 10 Barbell Row OR Strict Pull-ups (Moderate) -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets (Score is Weight on Bench)GOAL: RPE 9 | Week 2 of 6 for this cycle. If you were able to complete the prescribed volume...Read More
CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE COMPETE | PART 1 AMRAP x 20 MINUTES (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 5 Muscle-Ups* 40 Sit-Ups 40/30 Cal Bike *Option for Bar or Ring. Add 3 Muscle-Ups after each round. Ex: 5,8,11, etc (Score is Rounds + Reps)GOAL: METCON | RPE 8 | Goal is unbroken as long...Read More
CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Suggested Warm-Up Warm-Up (No Measure) 2 ROUNDS 5 Push Up to Down Dog 10 Alt Groiners 10 Alt Piked Toe Taps 10 Pause Air Squats (:01 in bottom) 5 Up-Downs Into… 2 ROUNDS* 6 Clean/Snatch Grip RDL 6 Muscle Clean/ Snatch 6 Push Press/Behind the Neck Push Press 4...Read More
CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX REST DAY or ACTIVE RECOVERY The goal today is to give your body what it needs — full rest or active recovery. Full Rest can involve rest, recovery, and self care but the priority is rest. Active Recovery can involve low intensity movement for about 20-30min or more....Read More
CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE REST DAY or ACTIVE RECOVERY The goal today is to give your body what it needs — full rest or active recovery. Full Rest can involve rest, recovery, and self care but the priority is rest. Active Recovery can involve low intensity movement for about 20-30min or more. Getting...Read More
CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE COMPETE | PART 1 EVERY 2:00 x 3 SETS (AMRAP – Reps) 50′ Handstand Walk* Max Overhead Squat (95/65) -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- *Must perform 25′ increments (Score is Total Reps) -Immediately move on to Part 2-GOAL: METCON | RPE 9 | Goal is to hit big sets on...Read More
CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX Strength 8 SETS (Weight) 8 Tempo Heels Elevated Back Squat (30X0) -Rest 1:00- 8 Hamstring Curl On Rower -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- (Score is Weight)GOAL: RPE 9 | Week 2 of 6 for this cycle. This is a long time under tension, so be mindful of bracing your...Read More