CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCX Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) FOR QUALITY (5:00 Cap) 10 Scap Push-Ups 10 Push-Up to Pike :30 Pike Hold 10 Up-Downs (EZ) :30 Plank Hold 10 Alt. Push-Up to Star Plank* *Perform a Push-Up and rotate into a Star Plank before returning to the next rep. Strength Metcon (Weight) 3...Read More
CrossFit Mettle and Honor – Open Gym Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) AMRAP x 8 MINUTES 250m Row 15 Scap Push-Ups 10 Band Pull-Aparts 10 Single DB Skull Crushers Strength Metcon (Weight) EMOM x 12 MINUTES MIN 1 – 10 Bench Press* MIN 2 – 15/15 SA Banded Tricep Pull-Down MIN 3 – :40 Row (EZ...Read More
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