
August 29, 2019
CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3:00 Bike (EZ → MOD → HARD) Then… AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 10 Alt. Lunges 5 Controlled Shoulder Kips (keep the swing tight) 10 Med Ball Ground 2 OH 5 V-ups or Tuck-ups Then… 2:00 Additional Squat Prep… 10 Bootstrapper Squats (slow and controlled) :30...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE A. CONDITIONING Metcon (No Measure) AMRAP x 12 MINUTES (EZ Pace) 15/12 Cal Bike 15 Air Squats 10 Barbell Strict Press 5 Kip Swing + Knee Up (dynamic swing) :30 Walking Rest Warm-up (No Measure) 10:00 RUNNING CLOCK… Skill / Mov’t Prep for WZA Online Qualifier Workout. Use this...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCBURN Workout Metcon (No Measure) 1 Round 3:00 Stations 1:00 Rest b/t Stations STATION 1 AMRAP 10 Jumping Lunges 10 Russian KB Swing STATION 2 EMOM 15 Up-Downs STATION 3 AMRAP 10 Jumping Lunges 10 Russian KB Swing STATION 4 EMOM 15 Up-Downs
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