CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE A. CONDITIONING Warm-up (No Measure) No Additional Conditioning. Hit “Holleyman” hard. B. NC60 Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 ROUNDS (6:00 MINUTE CAP) 5 Push Up to Pike 10 Alt. Groiners 5 Barbell RDL 10 Alt. Elbow Punches 5 Front Squats Workout Holleyman (Time) 30 Rounds for time of: 5 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# /14# 3 Handstand Push-ups 1 Power Clean, 225#/ 155#In honor of U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman, 27, of Glasgow, MT, was killed on August 30, 2004To learn more about Holleyman click here C. STRENGTH / GYMNASTICS Warm-up (No Measure) 1. Perform HSPU in “Holleyman” Strict, With a Deficit, or Both 2. Carve out some time for recovery/self-care and eat a little too much at the BBQ! 3. ON A 20:00 RUNNING CLOCK… Perform mobility, flexibility or self-care on body…10:00 slow cool down and flow movement / 10:00 indivvidual focus on...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE A. CONDITIONING Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 3 SETS FOR MAX REPS 1:00 – Alt. DB Snatch (50/35) 1:00 – H-R Push-ups 1:00 – Box Jump Overs (24/20) 1:00 – Toes to Bar 1:00 – Cal Bike -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- (Score is Reps) B. NC60 Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 5 Cal Bike 5 Push Up to Pike 8 Slow Scap Pull Ups 8 Slow DB Deadlifts Extended Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) EMOM x 10 MINUTES Min 1 – :50 Bike @ Moderate Pace Min 2 – :20 Hollow Hang into 5 Perfect Kip Swings (No Measure) Workout Metcon (Time) 4 ROUNDS FOR TIME 20 Alt. Single DB Up-Downs (50/35)|(35/20) 25 Pull-Ups (Score is Time) Cool Down Warm-up (No Measure) FOR RECOVERY 5:00 EZ Pace Bike* *Nasal Breathing Only (No Measure) C. STRENGTH / GYMNASTICS Metcon (No Measure) 3 SETS W/...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCX Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) EMOM x 6 MINUTES MIN 1: :45 Bike MIN 2: :45 Push-ups MIN 3: :45 Bike MIN 4: :45 Wall Ball Front Squats MIN 5: :45 Bike MIN 6: :45 Hollow Body Hold Strength Bench Press (7-7-7-7-7) 7-7-7-7-7 Bench Press (Score is Weight) Workout Metcon (5 Rounds for time) EVERY 2:00 x 5 SETS 12/10 Cal Bike 15 Wall Balls (20/14)|(14/12) (Score is Each Set for Time)
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE A. CONDITIONING Warm-up (No Measure) No Additional Conditioning. If your legs are beat up, take time to invest in some self care or active recovery before your GPP session. (No Measure) B. NC60 Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) EMOM x 6 MINUTES MIN 1 – :25 High Knees / :25 Butt Kickers MIN 2 – 10 Scap Pull-Ups + Dead Hang on Bar MIN 3 – :25 Inch Worms / :25 Good Mornings MIN 4 – 10 Elbow Punches + 10 Strict Press MIN 5 – :25 High Skips / :25 Jumping Jacks MIN 6 – 10 Kipping Swings + Active Hang on Bar Strength Metcon (Weight) ON A 12:00 RUNNING CLOCK… Establish a Heavy Set of the Complex 2 Power Clean + 2 Hang Power Clean (Score is Weight) Workout Metcon (Time) FOR TIME 800m Run Immediately Into… 5 ROUNDS 12 Toes to Bar...
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