NC FLEX – Wed, Apr 3

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX


3-4 SETS (Weight)

6 Tempo Weighted Chin-Up (30X0)

-Rest :10-

12 Tempo Deficit Pendlay Row (30X0)

-Rest :10-

25 Banded Dante (Or Low-Cable) Rows

-Rest 3:00 b/t Sets-

(Score is Weight on Chin-Up)
GOAL: RPE 9 | Back and biceps for Week 1 of 6 in this new cycle. Use this week to feel out the movements and find the appropriate load that takes each movement pretty close to failure but also allows you to hit the prescribed reps. For the Deficit Pendlay Rows, stand on a plate and tap the barbell on the ground every rep to maximize the stretch of the lats.


Metcon (Checkmark)

1.) 3 SETS

Max Reps Pronated Grip Inverted Row

-Rest 1:00-

20-25 Banded (or Cable) Lat Pulldown (Moderate)

-Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-

(No Measure)

2.) 3 SETS

8 Seated DB Hammer Curl (Moderate-Heavy)

-Rest :10-

10 Tempo DB Zottman Curl (2121)

-Rest :10-

12 Supinated Incline DB Curls (Moderate)

-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-

(No Measure)
GOAL: RPE 9 | For the max set inverted row, aim for 10-15 tough reps. For the Zottman curls, the 2121 tempo means 2 seconds lowering the DBs, 1-second pause at the stretch position, 2 seconds curling the DBs up, and then 1-second pause at the top squeezing the bicep. These are mean! Enjoy!