NCCOMPETE – Tue, Apr 2

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE


Perform the NCFIT Performance workout with the following goals and/or adjustments…

GOAL: Unbroken all the way through. Should be able to go from the Power Snatches immediately into the Overhead Squats.


Snatch (ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK…
Build to a Heavy 1-Rep Snatch)

(Score is Weight)

GOAL: RPE 9 | We’re calling this a 9 instead of a 10 for the RPE because we want our most challenging weight that we know we can hit. If the cards are there and a 1RM/PR are in place get after it but we’re not trying to go to failure.


AMRAP x 10 MINUTES (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

50′ Single DB Overhead Walking Lunges*

10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

*25′ down with Arm 1, 25′ back with Arm 2

**Every completed 5′ on the Lunge is 1 Rep

(Score is Rounds + Reps)
GOAL: RPE 7 | Smooth and consistent pace. Try to find a pace that you can still continue to perform the Strict HSPU. Don’t burn out trying to sprint hard on this one.