NC FLEX – Mon, Mar 27

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX

Functional Strength

Front Squat (2-2-2)

(Score is Weight)

GOAL: RPE 9 | Goal is to hit 3 consecutive sets of 2 @ Heavy to Heavy+ load, building each set. Warm-up sufficiently with lighter loads prior to your first set. Try to start with the same or better for the 2 from your 10-6-2 test. This will be our final week in the 10-6-2!


FOR QUALITY* (Checkmark)

75 Strict Pull-Ups

75 Strict Toes to Bar

75 DB Romanian DL (Heavy)

*Complete in any order and break-up sets as needed to complete all reps.

(No Measure)

GOAL: RPE 7 | A bit of a different look at Flex this week. The absolute priority in each of this week’s workouts is strict adherence to your mechanics. Slow and intentional reps.

Extra Credit

FOR RECOVERY (Checkmark)

10:00 Nasal Breathing Bike


1-2 SETS

2:00 Standing Forward Fold

2:00 Straddle

2:00 Seated Figure-4 Hamstring Reach (L)

2:00 Seated Figure-4 Hamstring Reach (R)

2:00 Seated Forward Fold (Wide Legs)

2:00 Cobra Stretch

2:00 Child’s Pose

2:00 Rebound / Lay Flat

-Rest about :30 b/t Each Interval-

(No Measure)