CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE A. CONDITIONING 800m Run (Time) Max Effort 800m Run4 SETS 800m Run -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets- Recored Fastest Run Metcon (3 Rounds for time) 3 SETS 40 Cals Hard –> Slow Pedal for 20 Cals –> 20 Cals Hard B. NC60 Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 15 Jumping Jacks 10 Arm Circles 10 Arm Crosses 3 Wall Walks Skill Warm-up (No Measure) EMOM x 10 MINUTES MIN 1 – 3-5 Reps of Gymnastic Goat* MIN 2 – :45 Single, Double, or Triple Under Practice *Gymnastic Goat should be any movement that athlete needs specific practice on… HSPU Pull-Up Muscle-Up HS Walk Ring Dip or Bench Dip Workout Metcon (5 Rounds for time) EVERY 3:00 FOR 15 MINUTES Run 200m 30 Double Unders 15 Handstand Push-ups or 15 DB Push Press (40/30)|(30/20) Cool Down Warm-up (No Measure) FOR RECOVERY 5:00 Foam Rolling...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE A. CONDITIONING Metcon (Time) FOR TIME 60-50-40-30-20-30-40-50-60 Cal Row -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- *Take the first 1/2 of the ladder at a moderate pace…think 70%. Then the goal is to beat each of your times back up the ladder. B. NC60 Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 ROUNDS (For quality) – 12:00 CAP 200m Jog 25m Walking Lunges 10 Single Leg KB Romanian Deadlift 5/5 KB Push Press 10 KB Goblet Squats 10 Russian KB Swings – 1:00 Rest b/t Rounds – Strength Back Rack Lunge (10-10-10) Barbell Back Rack Lunge* Build from Moderate to Moderate-Heavy. Reverse lunge, alternating legs each rep for 10 total reps. Bar comes from the rack. Workout Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP x 12 MINUTES 40 Slam Balls (20/15) 40 Slam Ball Lunges* 20 Toe to Bars *Bear hug hold with ball. Athlete choice for forward or reverse...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) AMRAP X 5 MINUTES 25 Jumping Jacks 10 Up Down 25 Mountain Climbers 10 Up Down 25 Single Unders Strength Metcon (Weight) 3 SETS 12 Supinated Barbell Bent Over Row 16 SA KB Front Rack Step-up* -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- *Alternate legs each rep. Perform 8 reps with bell on L-arm and 8 reps with bell on R-arm.Record weight for the Barbell Bent Over Row. Partner Workout Metcon (Time) IN TEAMS OF 2… FOR TIME 120 Push Ups 60 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (55/35)/(35/25) 120 Walking Lunges 60 KB Swings 120 Double Unders or 2x singles 60 Burpees 120 Goblet Squats -20:00 Hard Cap- *P1 works while P2 rests. Workout must be completed in order. P1 & P2 can break up reps however they want.
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3:00 On Bike or Row, Gradually increasing effort Then… 3-4 ROUNDS w/ Light DB (focus on solid movement) 7 DBL DB Snatch 5 Scap Pull-ups 7 DB Up-Downs 5 Should Driven Kips 7 DB Up-Down to OH (as you come up snatch DB from ground to OH) 5 Pull-ups or 5 Ring Rows Skill Warm-up (No Measure) ON A 10:00 RUNNING CLOCK… Skill Prep for Workout Workout RX: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) WZA ONLINE QUALIFIER Week 1 AMRAP x 16 MINUTES 40 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)|(35/20) 40 Pull-ups 30 DB Burpees 30 C2B Pull-ups 20 Devil Press 20 Bar Muscle Up SC: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Alternate Version… AMRAP x 16 MINUTES 40 Alt DB Snatches (35/20) 40 Jumping Pull-ups 30 DB Burpees 30 Ring Rows 20 Devil Presses 20 Pull-Ups BG: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) AMRAP x 9 MINUTES 1:00 Row or Bike (Increasing intensity each round) 10 Groiners 10 Lunges 10 Plate Deadlifts 10 Plate Thrusters Recovery Workout Metcon (No Measure) EMOM x 10 MINUTES MIN 1 — AMRAP of 4 Alt. Lunges + 4 Perfect Push-ups MIN 2 — Row or Bike, Moderate Effort -Rest 3:00- EMOM x 10 MINUTES MIN 1 — AMRAP of 4 Perfect Air Squat + 4 Plate Ground to OH MIN 2 — Row or Bike, Moderate Effort *This recovery effort is to set-up tomorrow’s WZA Qualifier Workout. Pre-gameday, we want a good sweat, lots of ROM, open up the legs from yesterday and walk away feeling great. Cool Down Warm-up (No Measure) FLOW STRETCHING 2:00 Pigeon (1:00 each side) 2:00 Saddle 2:00 Child’s Pose 2:00 Lat Rolling / Distraction (1:00 each side) 2:00 T-Spine Rolling / OH...
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