CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCBURN Workout Metcon (No Measure) 1 Round 4:00 Stations 1:00 Rest b/t Stations STATION 1 Tabata Bike for Cals STATION 2 Tabata Mountain Climbers STATION 3 Tabata KB or DB Swing STATION 4 Tabata Step-Ups *Tabata is :20 of work with :10 of rest for 8 rounds (4:00 total)
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCBURN Workout Metcon (No Measure) 2 Rounds 3:00 Stations No Rest b/t Stations 1:00 Rest b/t Rounds STATION 1 20/15 Cals on Rower then… Max Burpees STATION 2 20/15 Cals on Rower then… Max Double Unders STATION 3 20/15 Cals on Rower then… Run 400m
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC30 Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 1 ROUND (7 MIN CAP) 10 Strokes, Drill #1 5 Inch Worms w/push-up 10 Strokes, Drill #2 10 Glute Bridge-Ups 10 Strokes, Drill #3 10 Ring Rows 10 Strokes, Drill #4 Workout “ALL IN” (8 Rounds for distance) 4 SETS :30 Max Meter Row :30 Rest -Rest 2:00- 4 SETS :30 Max Meter Row :30 Rest *For both efforts, set the rower to :30 on / :30 intervals for 4 Sets. Optional Finisher Warm-up (No Measure) 2 SETS 5-8 Rower Pike Ups 5-8 Rower Hamstring Curls 1:00 Post-Workout Row Cool Down
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCBURN Workout Metcon (No Measure) 3 Rounds 2:00 Stations No Rest b/t Stations 1:00 Rest b/t Rounds STATION 1 1:00 Bike Hard 1:00 Bike Slow STATION 2 1:00 Push-ups 1:00 Plank STATION 3 1:00 DB Bent Over Row 1:00 Wall Sit STATION 4 1:00 Bike Hard 1:00 Bike Slow
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE
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