CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) AMRAP x 6 MINUTES 30 Single Unders 6 Bootstrappers 6 Tricep Push Ups 3 Deadlift + 3 Muscle Cleans Extended Warm-up Metcon (No Measure) “REVERSE TABATA” 8 SETS (:10 ON /:20 OFF) MOVT 1 – Top of Ring Dip Hold MOVT 2 – Bottom of Ring Dip Hold *Alt. Movements for 8 Sets Total. (No Measure) Workout Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) AMRAP x 18 MINUTES 10-8-6-4-2 Power Cleans (185/135)|(135/95) 10-8-6-4-2 Ring Dips 30-30-30-30-30 Double Unders **After completing the round of 2-2-30, the athletes go back to starting set of 10-10-30. Each set of DU is counted as 1 Rep. Total Reps in 1 Round = 65 (Score is Reps) KG BB: (85/60)|(60/42.5)
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 SETS ON AN 8:00 RUNNING CLOCK… 10 Scap Pull-Ups 20 Bent Over Rows (Light DBs or Bands) 30 Single Unders (Switch to Double Unders on Set 3) Strength Metcon (No Measure) 3 SETS 10 Perfect Chin-Ups 1:30 EZ Cardio** **Athlete Choice on Cardio. Nasal Breathing Only. -Rest :30 b/t Sets- (No Measure) Workout Metcon (Time) FOR TIME 55-65-75-65-55 Double Unders 20-15-10-15-20 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups (Score is Time) Optional Finisher Metcon (No Measure) EMOM x 8 MINUTES MIN 1 – :30 Single KB or DB Hollow Body Flutter Kicks MIN 2 – :50 DBL KB or DB Front Rack Hold (No Measure)
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – TEENS CROSSFIT (12-17) Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 1:00 Row (:30 EZ→ :30 Mod) Into… 3 SETS 12 Alt Groiners 10 Alt Lunges 8 Alt Glute Bridge-Ups (Double Leg Bridge-Up, Single Leg Lowering) 6 Single DB Sumo Romanian Deadlift Into… 1:00 Row (:30 Mod → :30 Mod/Hard) Strength Metcon (Weight) 3 SETS 10 Barbell RDL* 12 Alt. Back Rack Reverse Lunges 24 Bodyweight Glute Bridge-Ups *Keep weight Moderate. -Rest as Needed b/t Sets- (Score is Weight) Workout Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP x 13 MINUTES 300/250m Row 6 DB Alt. Suitcase Lunges (50/35)|(35/20)* 12 DB Sumo Deadlifts 6 DB Alt. Front Rack Lunges* *6 total reps for each lunge movement (Score is Rounds + Reps) KG DB: (22.5/15)|(15/10)
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE A. CONDITIONING Metcon (1 Rounds for time) 5 SETS 15/12 Cal Bike 7 Unbroken Ring Muscle-Ups -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- (Score is Slowest Time)GOAL: SPRINT | Just brutal. You will not have enough rest to recover fully. You do not have enough time to game any of the 5 rounds. If you want to win this workout, you will need to be shot out of a cannon. Pick a number of MU that you can perform UB. If it’s less than 3 reps, you should perform 1-2 muscle-up then finish the round with a set of 5 of the toughest variation of pull-ups UB. For example, 2 muscle ups + 5 chest to bars. Can you keep each set of this workout below 1:30? Below 1:20? Gonna have to move! B. NC60 Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 100m Jog 5 Burpees...
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1 654 655 656 657 658 867