CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE A. CONDITIONING “ELM STREET” (Time) 2 SETS FOR TIME 10 Devil’s Press (50/35)|(35/20) 400m Run 31 DB Sumo Cleans 300m Run 31 DB Floor Press 200m Run 31 DB Front Squats 100m Run 10 Devil’s Press -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets- (Score is Total Time)GOAL: GRIND | Brutal grind. The Devil’s Press at 50/35 is very challenging for smaller athletes…think about making it more of deep swign by pulling the DB deep into the legs. I would TRY to do the DP unbroken at a steady pace in Set 1. Based on how you feel in Set 2, you should try to attack the workout a little more…can you push the pace on the DB work and keep the runs more moderate. If you don’t pace the runs correctly, the DB movements will be miserable. B. NC60 Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 2 Sets 10 Step...
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