CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 100m Jog Into… 2 SETS* 6 Box Step-Ups (workout height)** *SET 1 unweighted if needed / SET 2 add weight if you plan on using it during the workout. **During the Step-Ups, think about a solid plant of the foot to the box then driving strong and stable to pull the trail leg up. If you need assistance in the stand, place both hands on the thigh on the front leg and push as you stand to bring the second leg to the box. Practice counting every 5 or 10 reps out loud when you reach the top of the box. Workout Metcon (Time) “CHAD” FOR TIME 1000 Box Step-Ups (20)* *45/35 added in weight – ruck, plate, vest, or DB **750/500/250/100 reps are all options for completion (Score is Time)Stimulus give your best efforts for our Veterans Optional Cool...
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