CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Warm-Up Warm-Up (No Measure) 2 ROUNDS 100m Jog 5 Inch Worms 5/5 SA Supported DB Bent Over Rows 10 Alt. SDB Around the Worlds 10 Glute Bridges into… 2 ROUNDS 100m Suitcase Carry 5 Up-Downs 5/5 SA Upright Rows 10 SDB Curls 10 Alt. Lunges Workout – All AMRAP x 25 MINUTES (No Measure) 100m DB Suitcase Carry (Athlete Choice, Moderate)* 10/10 Single Arm Supported DB Rows 20 DB Glute Bridge-Ups 100m Run (Easy Pace) 10 Reps of ‘Lunge-Lunge-Up-Down** 20 Single DB Curls 20 Banded Dante Rows or Face Pulls 100m Run (Easy Pace) *Switch hands as needed. **1 Rep = Lunge (R) + Lunge (L) + Up-Down. (No Measure) Optional Cool Down 2-3 SETS FOR QUALITY (No Measure) 5 Up-Dog to Down Dog 10 Alt. 90-90 Hip Rotations 15 Banded Ws -Rest as Needed b/t Sets- (No Measure)
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX REST DAY or ACTIVE RECOVERY Goal today is to give your body what it needs — full rest or active recovery. Active Recovery should be low intensity movement for 10-30min. This is not a workout!
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX Functional Strength 4 SETS (Weight) 8-10 Incline Barbell Tempo Bench (30X0) -Rest 1:30- 8-10/8-10 Single Arm Supported DB Tempo Row (30X0) -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- (Score is Weight of Bench) GOAL: RPE 8 | This should be a TOUGH upper body push/pull combo, but leave some room to get heavier in weeks to come. If you don’t have access to an adjustable bench, stack a few plates under a flat bench for a slight incline. We are looking for a 15-30 degree incline tops. The rest intervals and 3-second tempo are non-negotiables. We want quality time under tension for maximum gains. Bodybuilding Metcon (Checkmark) 1.) 4 SETS 10-12 Banded Wide-Grip Pull-Up OR Cable Lat Pulldown (Mod-Heavy) -Rest :10- 15 DB Pullover OR Straight-Arm Lat Pulldown (Mod-Heavy) -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- (No Measure) 2.) 3 SETS 8 Barbell Curls (Heavy) -Rest :10- 12 Incline...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE NCCOMPETE MEMO Complete full COMPETE workout AFTER your NCFIT PERFORMANCE work. Warm-Up Warm-Up (No Measure) 2 ROUNDS :30 Cal Row 10 Row Pike Ups 5 Hang Muscle Cleans Compete Power Clean (1.) 3×3 @60% (off blocks)*) *Barbell should be in the high hang position, at mid-thigh height. (Score is Weight) -Rest 5:00 b/t Part 1 and 2- 2.) 6 SETS (Time) 15/12 Cal Row 6 Hang Power Cleans (155/105) -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- (Score is Slowest Set) GOAL: RPE 9 | No gaming this, sprint hard and fast every round should be around 1:00-1:15. Extra Credit ON A 5:00 RUNNING CLOCK (No Measure) Practice Max Handstand Hold* *Must be a static hold, no walking around or shuffling hands (No Measure) GOAL: RPE 5 | Kick up and hold. Focus on pressing into the ground and doing your best static hold. Static hold means no...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Warm-Up Warm-Up (No Measure) EMOM x 8 MINUTES (:40 WORK / :20 OFF) MIN 1 – Bike (Increasing Speed) MIN 2 -Tempo Deadlifts MIN 3- Good Mornings / Glute Bridge-Ups MIN 4 – Inchworm + Shoulder Taps / Push-Up to Pike Extended Warm-Up – All EMOM x 9 MINUTES (No Measure) MIN 1 – 5 ‘Library’ Deadlifts* MIN 2 – 3-5 Pressing Reps** MIN 3 – :45 EZ Bike *Build to workout weight. **Pressing Options… (Hand Release) Push-Ups DB Push Press (Strict) Handstand Push-Ups (No Measure) Workout – Performance FOR TIME (Time) 50/40 Cal Bike -Immediately Into- 10 ROUNDS 5 Handstand Push-Up 5 Deadlifts (225/155)* -Immediately Into- 50/40 Cal Bike (Score is Time) *Option to bump weight up to 255/175 KG BB: (100/70) Workout – Fitness FOR TIME (Time) 40/30 Cal Bike -Immediately Into- 10 ROUNDS 5 DB Push Press (Athlete Choice) 5 Deadlifts...
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