Announcements NCFIT Workout Weekly June Commitments Retest of Wendler Lifts (BS/ DL/ PP) (1-2) Kipping Gymnastics Skill Day (1) Oly Positional Days (3) Mid-Year Mini-Comp Workouts (2-3) Mod-Long Workouts (1-2) Long Workouts (1) Partner Workout Option on Saturdays NCFIT Workout Weekly June Commitments Retest of Wendler Lifts (BS/ DL/ PP) (1-2) Kipping Gymnastics Skill Day (1) Oly Positional Days (3) Mid-Year Mini-Comp Workouts (2-3) Mod-Long Workouts (1-2) Long Workouts (1) Partner Workout Option on Saturdays CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Warm-Up Warm-Up (No Measure) AMRAP x 3 MINUTES 4 Cat Cows 4 Alt. Groiners 4 Inch Worms + Push-Up Into… AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 5 Med Ball Ground to Overhead 5 Med Ball Glute Bridge-Ups 5 Med Ball Sit-Ups 5 Burpees Strength – All Deadlift (ON A 20:00 RUNNING CLOCK… Build to a 1-Rep Deadlift) (Score is Weight) Week 6 of 6 Wendler Workout – Performance Metcon (AMRAP –...
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Announcements NCFIT Workout Weekly June Commitments Retest of Wendler Lifts (BS/ DL/ PP) (1-2) Kipping Gymnastics Skill Day (1) Oly Positional Days (3) Mid-Year Mini-Comp Workouts (2-3) Mod-Long Workouts (1-2) Long Workouts (1) Partner Workout Option on Saturdays NCFIT Workout Weekly June Commitments Retest of Wendler Lifts (BS/ DL/ PP) (1-2) Kipping Gymnastics Skill Day (1) Oly Positional Days (3) Mid-Year Mini-Comp Workouts (2-3) Mod-Long Workouts (1-2) Long Workouts (1) Partner Workout Option on Saturdays CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX REST DAY or ACTIVE RECOVERY Goal today is to give your body what it needs — full rest or active recovery. Active Recovery should be low intensity movement for 10-30min. This is not a workout!
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Announcements NCFIT Workout Weekly June Commitments Retest of Wendler Lifts (BS/ DL/ PP) (1-2) Kipping Gymnastics Skill Day (1) Oly Positional Days (3) Mid-Year Mini-Comp Workouts (2-3) Mod-Long Workouts (1-2) Long Workouts (1) Partner Workout Option on Saturdays NCFIT Workout Weekly June Commitments Retest of Wendler Lifts (BS/ DL/ PP) (1-2) Kipping Gymnastics Skill Day (1) Oly Positional Days (3) Mid-Year Mini-Comp Workouts (2-3) Mod-Long Workouts (1-2) Long Workouts (1) Partner Workout Option on Saturdays CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE NCCOMPETE MEMO REST DAY or ACTIVE RECOVERY… Goal today is to give your body what it needs — full rest or active recovery. Active Recovery should be low intensity movement for 10-30min. This is not a workout!
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Announcements NCFIT Workout Weekly June Commitments Retest of Wendler Lifts (BS/ DL/ PP) (1-2) Kipping Gymnastics Skill Day (1) Oly Positional Days (3) Mid-Year Mini-Comp Workouts (2-3) Mod-Long Workouts (1-2) Long Workouts (1) Partner Workout Option on Saturdays NCFIT Workout Weekly June Commitments Retest of Wendler Lifts (BS/ DL/ PP) (1-2) Kipping Gymnastics Skill Day (1) Oly Positional Days (3) Mid-Year Mini-Comp Workouts (2-3) Mod-Long Workouts (1-2) Long Workouts (1) Partner Workout Option on Saturdays CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Warm-Up Warm-Up (No Measure) 1 ROUND :40 Band Pull Aparts :40 Banded Upright Rows :40 Overhead Band Pull-Aparts :40 Deadbugs Into… 1 ROUND 10 Alt. Step-Ups 10 Alt. Hollow Rock 10 Scap Pull-Ups Into… 1 ROUND 10 Box Jumps 10 Sit-Ups 10 Ring Rows Workout – Performance Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP x 16 MINUTES* 5-10-15-and so on… Box Jumps (24/20) Sit-Ups *After each full round, complete...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX Functional Strength Metcon (Weight) 5 SETS* 15 Deadlifts 12 Hang Power Clean 9 Push Press *Use the same weight for all 3 movements. Start Light and increase reps each set until you reach a Moderate weight. The reps do not need to be done unbroken. -Rest as Needed b/t Sets- (Score is Weight) GOAL: RPE 5 | You should NOT be sore from this. This is meant to be a fun barbell complex while adding back in your touches on the barbell and prepping for next week’s work. Deload week is over :). Bodybuilding Again…more like body-restoring today. Go for a long walk, ride a bike calmly, swim, move, jog…for 20-30min. Move your body today without intensity. GOAL: RPE 2 | Similar to Tuesday, get in 20-30min of non-exercise movement in addition to your light barbell work today. Extra Credit None. Rest and...
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