CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX Strength 4-5 SETS (Weight) 8 Barbell Strict Press (Moderate-Heavy) -Rest :30- 12 DB Z-Press (Moderate) -Rest :30- 12-16 DB Lateral Raises* (Moderate) -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- *After the last set of lateral raises, lower the weight and perform another max set. Then grab a lighter pair of DBs and go again. (Score is Weight on Strict Press)GOAL: RPE 9 | Big boulder shoulder feel after this one. For the lateral raises, remember to finish the set with 2-4 reps that require a little swinging to get them up. You don’t want to be super strict on these. We want to flirt with failure to give those delts a nice pump! Bodybuilding Metcon (Checkmark) 1.) 3 SETS Tempo Barbell Curl (30X0) -Rest 1:00- Max Reps Single KB Horn Curls* (Moderate) -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- *After the last set of KB Horn Curls, grab a...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE NCFIT GOALS Perform the NCFIT Performance workout with the following goals and/or adjustments… GOAL: We’re going to build to a Mod-Heavy 5-Rep Front Squat for the Strength. We’re going to keep the light barbell today. Unbroken on the barbell every round. We want this to be a true sprint. Pick up the barbell immediately after the Burpees. COMPETE | PART 1 AMRAP x 15 MINUTES (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 400m Run 30 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35) 200m Ski (Score is Rounds + Reps)GOAL: RPE 7 | Smooth on the cardio here. Working on consistent effort from start to finish. Aim for unbroken on the DB Snatch. COMPETE | PART 2 FOR TIME (Time) 2000-1500-1000-500 Row -3:00 EZ Row b/t Set- (Score is Total Time)GOAL: RPE 8 | This is going to all be spent on the Row. Goal is to be able to...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Warm-Up Warm-Up (No Measure) OPTIONAL MOBILITY ROUND 5 Inchworm + Push Up + Bootstrapper* 5/5 Groiner w/ Twist 10 90/90 Hip Openers 5 Tempo Air Squats (31X1) *Walk hands out to plank, do a push up, walk hands back to feet, grab toes, drop hips to a bootstrapper, bring hips back up, then walk it out for another rep. Into… 2 ROUND 5 Up-Downs (RND 2: Burpees) 10 Cossack Squats 5 Strict Press 10 Air Squats (RND 2: Jumping Air Squats) Into… 1-2 ROUNDS 4 Muscle Cleans 8 Elbow Punches 6 Push Press 6 Front Squats Strength – All Back Squat (ON A 18:00 RUNNING CLOCK… Build to a Mod-Heavy 5-Rep Back Squat) (Score is Weight) Workout – Performance 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME (Time) 15 Thrusters (75/55) 10 Burpees Over Bar (Score is Time) KG BB: (35/25) Workout – Fitness 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX Strength Deadlift (3 SETS* 8 Library Deadlifts (Heavy) -Rest 3:00-4:00 b/t Sets- ) *Immediately following your third set of deadlifts, lower the weight to something moderate and perform a max set of double overhand, no-hook-grip deadlifts. (Score is Weight) GOAL: RPE 9 | Just some good old-fashioned heavy hinging here. The “library deadlift” means you always show control on the descent so that the weights just kiss the ground on the way down. For the drop set, we want to test our grip as much as our deadlift, so no reverse grip, hook grip, or straps. Bodybuilding Metcon (Checkmark) 1.) 3 SETS 12/12 Split Stance DB RDL (Moderate) -Rest 1:00- 10/10 Single KB Offset Reverse Lunge (Moderate) -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets- (No Measure) 2.) EMOM x 16 Minutes MIN 1 – 20/15 Cal Bike MIN 2 – 12 Toes to Bar MIN 3...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE NCFIT GOALS Perform the NCFIT Performance workout with the following goals and/or adjustments… GOAL: Unbroken on the Double Unders. If you trip start over! Keep intentional sets on the Ring Dips, consider Strict Dips. COMPETE | PART 1 EMOM x 8 MINUTES (AMRAP – Reps) :30 Max DB Step Ups (50/35)|(24/20) (Score is Lowest Reps)GOAL: RPE 8 | Working on some leg capacity. Try to move at a steady, consistent pace. Focus on driving with the leading leg into the box and finishing with a strong lockout at the top. COMPETE | PART 2 3 SETS (No Measure) 3-5 L-Sit Ring Pull-Up (No Measure)GOAL: RPE 7 | Start these seated on the ground. Lean back to initiate. Feet should leave the ground before the hips. Begin in a pronated grip, finish the Pull-Up with a Supinated grip.
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