CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX REST DAY or ACTIVE RECOVERY The goal today is to give your body what it needs — full rest or active recovery. Full Rest can involve rest, recovery, and self care but the priority is rest. Active Recovery can involve low intensity movement for about 20-30min or more. Getting out there for some play, getting your hands dirty, or learning a new skill is also a great option.
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX Strength 16-12-8 (Weight) DB Bulgarian Split Squat Right Leg (Moderate) -Rest 1:00- DB Bulgarian Split Squat Left Leg (Moderate) -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets- (Score is Weight)GOAL: RPE 9 | Everyone loves these split squats. Go heavier than you’ve used in prior weeks. We still want to be well short of failure, but we do have fewer reps, so let’s do more weight! Spoiler alert—these split squats will still show up in the next cycle! Bodybuilding Metcon (Checkmark) 1.) 3 SETS 8-12 Front Squat (Moderate) -Rest :30- 10-12 Hamstring Curl on Rower (OR Medicine Ball) -Rest :30- 16-20 DB Alternating Reverse Lunges (Moderate) -Rest :30- 12-16 DB RDLs (Moderate) -Rest :30- 20-30 Jumping Squats -Rest 4:00 b/t Sets- 2.) 3 SETS 16-20 Landmine Rotations (Moderate) -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- (No Measure)GOAL: RPE 10 | One final, brutal lower body session for this cycle. Keep...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Warm-Up Warm-Up (No Measure) 1 ROUND 100m Run 6 Jefferson Curls 8/8 Single Leg RDLs 10 Tempo Ring Rows (:03 negative) Into… 1 ROUND 100m Run 10 Good Mornings 10/10 Single Leg Glute Bridge-Ups 10 Kip Swings Into… 1 ROUND 100m Run 20 Glute Bridge March 10 Empty BB Deadlift 2-3 Strict Pull-Ups OR False Grip Ring Rows Strength – All Deadlift (3-3-3-3*) *Start Moderate and end Heavy. (Score is Weight) Workout – Performance 10 ROUNDS FOR TIME (Time) 3 Deadlifts (315/205) 3 Ring Muscle-Ups (Score is Time) KG BB: (143/93) Workout – Fitness 10 ROUNDS FOR TIME (Time) 3 Deadlifts (205/145) 6 Pull-Ups (Score is Time) KG BB: (93/65) Optional Cool Down – All EMOM x 9 MINUTES (No Measure) MIN 1 – :25/:25 Moose Antlers MIN 2 – :50 90-90 Alt. Hip Rotations MIN 3 – :25/:25 Lying Internal + External Shoulder...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE NCFIT GOALS Perform the NCFIT Performance workout with the following goals and/or adjustments… GOAL: Let’s work on our Ring Muscle Ups. Aim to keep these unbroken along with the Deadlifts. COMPETE | PART 1 4 SETS (Time) 10 DB Snatch (50/35)(Arm 1) 25′ OH Walking Lunge (Arm 1) 25′ Handstand Walk 10 DB Snatch (50/35)(Arm 2) 25′ OH Walking Lunge (Arm 2) 25′ Handstand Walk -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets- (Score is Slowest Set)GOAL: RPE 8 | Big shoulder pump. 2:00 rest so aim to push the pace and keep the intensity up each set. COMPETE | PART 2 4 SETS FOR QUALITY (No Measure) 12 Supinated DB Incline Press 8/8 SA KB Supported Bent Over Row 1:00 Weighted Plank -Rest as Needed b/t Sets- (No Measure)GOAL: RPE 6 | Upper body and core quality work. We’re working to keep the joints healthy here. Keep...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE NCFIT GOALS Perform the NCFIT Performance workout with the following goals and/or adjustments… GOAL: Big sets on everything. Goal is unbroken on the Back Squats. 1-2 Sets on the Push-Ups. Push the Box Jumps and recover on the Sit-Ups COMPETE | PART 1 Power Snatch (ON A 10:00 RUNNING CLOCK Build to a Heavy 10-Rep Power Snatch) (Score is Weight) GOAL: RPE 8 | We’re looking for Touch and Go and Unbroken. Don’t expect to hit high percentages. You can pause overhead or you can pause at the hip, but we cannot rest on the ground at any point. COMPETE | PART 2 5 SETS (Time) 60 Crossover Singles 20 Cal Row -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- (Score is Slowest Set)GOAL: RPE 8 | Push the pace. Goal is unbroken on the Jump Rope, look to aim for around :30-:40. Hard effort on the row...
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