CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX Strength 3-4 SETS (Weight) 8-12 Barbell RDLs (Heavy) -Rest 1:30- 8-12 Hamstring Curl On Rower -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- (Score is Weight)GOAL: RPE 9 | Big glutes and hamstring session here. Remember to use straps for the RDLs to take away grip strength being a limiting factor. Bodybuilding Metcon (Checkmark) 1.) 3-4 SETS 12/12 Staggered Stance DB RDL (Moderate) -Rest 1:30- 8-12 Heels Elevated DB Front Squat (Heavy) -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- (No Measure) 2.) 3 SETS 16-20 DB (OR Cable) Chest Fly (Moderate) -Rest :30- 1:00 Easy Pace Bike, Row, Jump Rope -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- (No Measure) 3.) 2 SETS 8-10/8-10 Single-Arm DB Row (Moderate) -Rest :30- 1:00 Easy Pace Bike, Row, Jump Rope -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- (No Measure)GOAL: RPE 9 | A little easy cardio mashed between some old-school bodybuilding. Sweat and get a solid pump in. This is...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE NCFIT GOALS Perform the NCFIT Performance workout with the following goals and/or adjustments… GOAL: Strong start with the DB Ground to OH and DB Burpees. The Step Ups are a slower movement so be smart about breaking these up so we don’t burn out the grip. Quick big sets on the Push Press and then send it home on the Burpees. COMPETE | PART 1 ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK… (Distance) 10 ROUNDS 1 Rope Climb 3 Front Squats (185/135) -Immediately Into- Max Meter Row w/ Time Remaining… (Score it Total Meters)GOAL: RPE 8 | This is the Thursday NCFIT Workout. Focus on staying consistent with our effort in the first part especially with transitions between the squats and rope climb. COMPETE | PART 2 EVERY 4:00 x 5 SETS (Calories) 20/15 Cal Ski 10 Shuttle Runs Max Cal Bike -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Suggested Warm-Up Warm-Up (No Measure) 2 ROUNDS 5 Cal Bike (RPE 5) 10 Jumping Jack Toe Touches 10 SLOW Alt. Dead Bugs :20/:20 Standing Calf Stretch into… 2 ROUNDS 5 Cal Bike (RPE 7) 20 Single Unders 10 SLOW Alt. Bird Dogs :20/:20 Pike Calf Stretch Workout – Performance AMRAP x 20 MINUTES (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 50/40 Cal Bike 50 Sit-Ups 125 Double Unders (Score is Rounds + Reps) Workout – Fitness AMRAP x 20 MINUTES (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 40/35 Cal Bike 40 Sit-Ups 80 Jumping Jacks* *Option for 200 Single Unders or 1:30 Double Under Attempts. (Score is Rounds + Reps) Finisher – All 3 SETS (No Measure) 12-15 DB Wide-Grip Curls 15-20 DB Bent Over Row 20-25 Half Kneeling Banded Rows -Rest As Needed b/t Sets- (No Measure)
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE NCFIT GOALS Perform the NCFIT Performance workout with the following goals and/or adjustments… GOAL: Get uncomfortable on the Bike and stay at that pace. Use the Sit-Ups to recover and aim for big sets possibly unbroken on the Jump Rope. COMPETE | PART 1 CrossFit Games Open 22.1 RX (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps) Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 3 wall walks 12 dumbbell snatches 15 box jump-overs F: 35-lb. dumbbell, 20-in. box M: 50-lb. dumbbell, 24-in. boxTo learn more about CrossFit Games Open 22.1 RX (Ages 16-54) click hereGOAL: RPE 8 | Don’t stop moving. The volume is low enough to hold unbroken on the all the movements. Goal is to move fast on the Wall Walks and Snatches, then do your best to set a smooth Box Jump Over pace. COMPETE | PART 2 3-4 SETS FOR...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX Strength Front Squat (10-8-6-15+) -Rest 3:00 b/t Sets- (Score is Weight) GOAL: RPE 9 | Week 4 of 6. The first three sets are done with gradually heavier weights and progressively fewer reps, and then you finish off with a high-rep pump set. This means the final set should be done with something slightly lighter than what you used for the set of 10. The goal is 15-20 reps on that final set, which is especially brutal on the front squat. Enjoy! Bodybuilding Metcon (Checkmark) 1.) 4 SETS 4-6 Weighted Chin-ups (Heavy) -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets- (No Measure) 2.) 3-4 SETS 16-20 DB Walking Lunge Steps (Moderate) -Rest 1:00- 8-12 DB Chest Press, 1+1/4 Reps (Moderate) -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- (No Measure) 3.) EMOM x 12 MINUTES MIN 1 – 12-16 Alternating DB Curtsy Lunges MIN 2 – Max Cal Bike or Row...
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