CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX Strength 3-4 SETS (Weight) 8-12 Barbell RDLs (Heavy) -Rest 1:30- 8-12 Hamstring Curl On Rower -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- (Score is Weight)GOAL: RPE 9 | Big glutes and hamstring session here. Remember to use straps for the RDLs to take away grip strength being a limiting factor. Bodybuilding Metcon (Checkmark) 1.) 3-4 SETS 12/12 Staggered Stance DB RDL (Moderate) -Rest 1:30- 8-12 Heels Elevated DB Front Squat (Heavy) -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- (No Measure) 2.) 3 SETS 16-20 DB (OR Cable) Chest Fly (Moderate) -Rest :30- 1:00 Easy Pace Bike, Row, Jump Rope -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- (No Measure) 3.) 2 SETS 8-10/8-10 Single-Arm DB Row (Moderate) -Rest :30- 1:00 Easy Pace Bike, Row, Jump Rope -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- (No Measure)GOAL: RPE 9 | A little easy cardio mashed between some old-school bodybuilding. Sweat and get a solid pump in. This is...
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