CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Suggested Warm-Up Warm-Up (No Measure) 2 ROUNDS 10 Groiners 20 Mountain Climbers 30 Shoulder Taps Into… 1 ROUND 10 Box Step Ups 10 Scap Pull Ups 10 Kip Swings 5 Push Up to Pike Into… 1 ROUND 10 Box Jumps 10 Kipping Knees to Chest 10 Tempo Strict Press (31×1) Strength – All Push Press (5-5-5-5-5*) *Start Light and build to Mod-Heavy. (Score is Weight) Workout – Performance FOR TIME (Time) 40 Box Jumps (24/20) 30 Toes to Bar 20 Push Press (135/95) 20 Box Jumps (30/24) 15 Toes to Bar 10 Push Press (Score is Time) KG BB: (60/42.5) Workout – Fitness FOR TIME (Time) 40 Box Jumps (20) 30 Toes to Something 20 Push Press (95/65) 20 Box Jumps (24/20) 15 Toes to Something 10 Push Press (Score is Time) KG BB: (42.5/30) Optional Cool Down – All 2-3 SETS FOR QUALITY...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE NCFIT GOALS Perform the NCFIT Performance workout with the following goals and/or adjustments… GOAL: Smooth consistent pace on the Air Squats. Push the Row each round. This should be a hard effort and we should expect some drop off. COMPETE | PART 1 3 SETS (No Measure) 3-5 Ring Muscle Ups 5-7 Strict Handstand Push-Ups -Rest as Needed b/t Sets- (No Measure)GOAL: RPE 7 | Keep the intensity light here. Focus on being able to hit bigger sets than you’re used to! COMPETE | PART 2 3 SETS (No Measure) 4/4 Back Rack Lunges* 6 Band Assisted Jumps *Moderate-Heavy weight -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets- (No Measure)GOAL: RPE 8 | Building on our lunges and jumping. Lunges should be heavier than last week. Band should be tied to a rig overhead and used to assist in a higher jump.
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit Suggested Warm-Up Warm-Up (No Measure) 2 ROUNDS 1:00 Row 5 Inch Worms 5 Cat/Cow 6 Alt. Groiners with a twist 10 Kang Squats 10 Ring Rows Into… 1-2 ROUNDS (Time Permitting) 10 Air Squats 10 Jumping Air Squats 10 Cal Row Workout – Performance EVERY 3:00 x 5 SETS (Calories) 50 Air Squats Max Cal Row w/ Time Remaining… -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- (Score is Total Cals) Workout – Fitness EVERY 3:00 x 5 SETS (Calories) 40 Air Squats Max Cal Row w/ Time Remaining… -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- (Score is Total Cals) Finisher – All 3 SETS (No Measure) 25 Ring Rows 10/10 Single Arm DB Bent Over Row 20 Alt. DB Slides -Rest As Needed b/t Sets- (No Measure)
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX Strength 3 SETS (Weight) 12-15 Slight Incline DB Bench Press (Myo Reps)* Rest 2:00 8-12/8-12 Single Arm DB Row (Moderate) -Rest 3:00 b/t Sets- *For Myo-reps, start with an activation set of 12-15 reps to near failure on the slight incline dumbbell bench press. Rest for 15-20 seconds, then perform 3-5 reps for multiple mini-sets until you can no longer complete a set of at least 3 reps. The goal is to squeeze out 3-5 mini “rest-pause” sets after your activation set. (Score is Weight on DB Press)GOAL: RPE 9 | Week 1 of 6. Focus on controlled, high-effort reps for the DB bench press to maximize muscle fatigue and hypertrophy. Maintain consistent tension on the rows to effectively engage the lats and upper back. Bodybuilding Metcon (Checkmark) 1.) 3-4 SETS Max Reps Tempo Bar Dips (22X0) -Rest 1:30- 12-16 Pendlay Row (Moderate)...
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CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE REST DAY or ACTIVE RECOVERY The goal today is to give your body what it needs — full rest or active recovery. Full Rest can involve rest, recovery, and self care but the priority is rest. Active Recovery can involve low intensity movement for about 20-30min or more. Getting out there for some play, getting your hands dirty, or learning a new skill is also a great option.
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