CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE
AMRAP x 16 MINUTES* (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
20/16 Cal Row
20 DBL KB Front Rack Lunges (50/35)
50′ Handstand Walk**
*1 Rep of HSW = 5′
**Must perform 25′ increments
(Score is Rounds + Reps)
-Immediately move on to Part 2-
GOAL: METCON | RPE 7 | Focus is consistency here especially on the Handstand Walk. This means a consistent on the Row, this should be a time to gain back control of your breathing but don’t let yourself use this as a recovery pace. Lunges we’re aiming for unbroken, then finally the main focus is the Handstand Walk. Goal today is to stay consistent on how you attack these. If you need to do smaller increments hold yourself to 5′ at a minimum. If you can hit bigger sets stay consistent with that. If you can go the whole 25′ unbroken, try to push yourself to get back upside down for the next 25!
Shoulder Press (ON A 5:00 RUNNING CLOCK
Build to a Heavy 1-Rep Strict Press
GOAL: STRENGTH | RPE 9 | This will come off the rack, bars may start loaded.. what we want to think about here is speed in the press off the shoulders. Typical break down for a strict press is to squeeze the glutes and quads to lock in the lower body. However we want to also think driving the bar off the shoulders fast. Then, try to push faster to finish. Anticipate your sticky point and then try to press through it. Remember, just because this is a Strict Press does not mean it has to be slow.