NCCOMPETE – Tue, Jan 7

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE



70 Double Unders

30 Single DB Step Ups (50/35)|(20)

70 Double Unders

50 Alt. DB Snatch

70 Double Unders

(Score is Time)
GOAL: METCON | RPE 8 | Goal is speed but we want to make sure we are not going to blow up our grip. Ultimately it’s going to come down to the grip there and how we can manage to hold on yet not burn out. So, keep the jump rope unbroken, but be smart about how we’re breaking up our Step Ups and Snatches.


EVERY 3:00 x 5 SETS (Time)

10/8 Cal C2 Bike

100′ D-Ball Carry (150/100)

2 Rope Climbs

(Score Is Slowest Set)
GOAL: SKILL | RPE 8 | Working the Rope Climb under fatigue. Bike is there to get the heart rate up, and the D-Ball is there to fatigue the upper body. Bike pace should be uncomfortable and be completed in under :45. D-Ball should be unbroken. The D-Ball will hit the arms hard before the Rope Climbs, but we want to shift our focus to using more of the lower body. So think about a big kip to get the legs high instead of trying to pull yourself up with your arms. We should be leaning back to use the lats more and the core to bring the legs up high.