NCCOMPETE – Sat, Aug 12

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE


Complete full COMPETE workout AFTER your NCFIT PERFORMANCE work.


Warm-Up (No Measure)


:30 Bike

5 Muscle Clean

5 Front Squat

5 Hand Release Push-Ups


1.) EMOM x 8 MINUTES (Weight)

1 Hang Squat Clean


1 Front Squat


1 Clean

*Build to a Moderate-Heavy weight

(Score is Weight)

-Rest 5:00 b/t Part 1 and 2-

2.) 6 ROUNDS FOR TIME (Time)

12/10 Cal Bike

12 DBL KB Hang Power Clean (53/35)

12 Hand Release Burpee to Target*

(Score is Time)

*Must lift hands off ground at the bottom of the Burpee. Use Crossfit Open standards for the Target

GOAL: RPE 8 | This is going to take the Bounce off the Burpee with the Hand Release. Keep the Bike hard but sustainable and see if you can keep the KB unbroken.

Extra Credit

3 SETS (Weight)

1:00 Weighted Elbow Plank

(Score is Weight)

GOAL: RPE 5 | Must maintain a good Plank position = Hollow Body, unlocked knees. Weight must be over core, not over shoulders.