NCCOMPETE – Fri, Sep 22

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCCOMPETE


Complete full COMPETE workout BEFORE or AFTER your NCFIT PERFORMANCE work. (Athlete Choice)


Warm-Up (No Measure)


:30 Ski

6 Inch Worms

30 Single Unders

6 Box Step Overs


EMOM x 28 MINUTES (No Measure)

MIN 1 – 12/9 Cal Ski

MIN 2 – 8-12 Handstand Push-Ups

MIN 3 – 50 Double Unders

MIN 4 – 8-12 Box Jump Overs

*Option for a Deficit

(No Measure)

GOAL: RPE 8 | We are going to begin to bump up the numbers of the movements. The cardio should remain a consistent effort that is not aggressive and can be done in just enough time to transition to the next movement. Use a step down on the Box Jump Overs

Extra Credit

4 SETS (Time)

8 D-Ball Over Shoulder (150/100)

-Rest :45 b/t Sets-

(Score is Slowest Set)

GOAL: RPE 8 | Taking on a bit more on the D-Ball with a little less rest. Try to keep each set the same time as best as possible!