CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX
4-5 SETS (Weight)
8 Barbell Strict Press (Moderate-Heavy)
-Rest :30-
12 DB Z-Press (Moderate)
-Rest :30-
12-16 DB Lateral Raises* (Moderate)
-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-
*After the last set of lateral raises, lower the weight and perform another max set. Then grab a lighter pair of DBs and go again.
(Score is Weight on Strict Press)
GOAL: RPE 9 | One last time with this vertical push and shoulder session this cycle. Earn tomorrow’s rest day here. Remember that for the lateral raises, you can (and should) go heavy enough that you have to swing and cheat the last few reps. Let’s make those delts grow!
Metcon (Checkmark)
1.) 3 SETS
8-12 Tempo Barbell Curl (30X0)
-Rest 1:00-
Max Reps Single KB Horn Curls* (Moderate)
-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-
*After the last set of KB Horn Curls, grab a lighter KB and go again. Then take 30 seconds rest and go to failure one more time.
(No Measure)
2.) 3 SETS
8-12 Weighted Bar Dips (Moderate)*
-Rest 1:00-
16-20 Rolling DB Tricep Extension (Moderate)
-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-
*After the last set of bar dips, take 30 seconds rest, drop to body weight, and perform another max set. Then switch to close-grip push-ups and go to failure one last time.
(No Measure)
GOAL: RPE 9 | The bar dip, close-grip push-up drop set has been one of my favorite pieces in this entire cycle. The pump is legendary. We might have to bring this back next cycle. Enjoy!