NC FLEX – Tue, Oct 1

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX


3 SETS (Weight)

8 Tempo Back Squats (40X0)

Rest 2:00

8-12 Hamstring Curl on Rower (Moderate)

-Rest 3:00 b/t Sets-

(Score is Weight on Squats)
GOAL: RPE 9 | Week 1 of 6. Focus on maintaining a controlled tempo on the back squats. This should be a brutal three sets of 8 reps.


Metcon (Checkmark)

1.) 3-4 SETS

15-20 Tempo Goblet Squat (30X0)

-Rest 1:30-

12-15 DB RDL (Heavy)

-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-

(No Measure)

2.) 2-3 SETS

20-30 DB Walking Lunge Steps (Moderate)

-Rest 1:30

8-12 Wide Stance Goodmorning (Light-Moderate)

-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-

2.) 2-3 SETS

15-25 Weighted Sit-Ups

-Rest 1:00

1:00 Max Hollow Rocks

-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-

(No Measure)
GOAL: RPE 9 | Prioritize depth and control in the goblet squats to target the quads effectively, then use the DB RDLs to challenge the hamstrings and glutes with a heavy load. The walking lunges should emphasize stability and range of motion, while wide stance good mornings engage the glutes and lower back. LET’S GO!