NC FLEX – Sat, Jun 3

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX

Functional Strength

Metcon (Weight)


15 Deadlifts

12 Hang Power Clean

9 Push Press

*Use the same weight for all 3 movements. Start Light and increase reps each set until you reach a Moderate weight. The reps do not need to be done unbroken.

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-

(Score is Weight)

GOAL: RPE 5 | You should NOT be sore from this. This is meant to be a fun barbell complex while adding back in your touches on the barbell and prepping for next week’s work. Deload week is over :).


Again…more like body-restoring today. Go for a long walk, ride a bike calmly, swim, move, jog…for 20-30min. Move your body today without intensity.

GOAL: RPE 2 | Similar to Tuesday, get in 20-30min of non-exercise movement in addition to your light barbell work today.

Extra Credit

None. Rest and Recover!