NC FLEX – Sat, Jul 29

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX

Functional Strength

Metcon (Weight)


3 Power Cleans*

(Score is Heaviest Weight)

*Start Mod and increase every minute until you reach Mod-Heavy. Continue with the Mod-Heavy weight for the remainder of the time.

GOAL: RPE 5 to start / RPE 7 to end | Reps, reps, reps, reps. The only way to get better at this REPS. And that goes for anything in life and fitness. You need to be taking intentional reps…I hope you’re able to appreciate the light work as much as the heavy work. Lift by FEEL today…do not force it.

Bodyweight Flow

Metcon (Checkmark)


5 Rounds of CINDY

Immediately Into…

3:00 Cardio Choice

-Rest 3:00 b/t Sets-

(No Measure)

GOAL: Bodyweight Flow. Fun combo. If you want to turn this into an insane sweat session…wear a vest. If you want to feel a flow…don’t worry about the clock at all. Just move and breathe. When I did this, I decided to flow and it was plenty. Three rounds is also a great workout if the volume feels like a little too much.

Extra Credit

Metcon (Checkmark)


Weighted Outdoor Ruck*

*Walk continuously for 30min with a weighted pack or weighted vest. Every 5:00 including at 0:00 perform 7 weighted Up-Downs

(No Measure)

GOAL: RPE 6 | Weighted Ruck + Weighted Up-Downs (from standing crawl down the plank position, hold for :01, then crawl back up).