NC FLEX – Sat, Dec 9

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX

Functional Strength

Deadlift (1.) 3 SETS

5 Double Overhand, No Hookgrip Deadlifts )

-Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-

(Score is Weight)

Deadlift (2.) 5 SETS

5 Library Deadlifts


-Rest As Needed-

(Score is Weight)

GOAL: RPE 8 | Another week of 5’s on the deadlift, another chance to go a little bit heavier than before. You should also be trying to go heavier on the no-hook grip primer sets.


Metcon (Checkmark)

1.) 2-3 SETS

12/12 Goblet Curtsy Lunge (Moderate)

-Rest 130-

12 DB RDL (Moderate)

-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-

2.) 2-3 SETS

20 DB Walking Lunge Steps (Heavy)

-Rest 1:30-

8/8 Single KB Front Squat (Moderate)

-Rest 1:00-

12 Hamstring Curls on Rower (Moderate)

-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-

(No Measure)

GOAL: RPE 8 | As a reminder, the Single KB Front Squat is not meant to be held in the goblet position. You want to do eight reps holding the KB in the front rack with one arm and then eight reps with the other arm. Again, giving you the option of 2 to 3 sets here based on how you feel after going heavier on the functional strength piece.

Extra Credit

FOR QUALITY (Checkmark)

30 MINUTES of light aerobic work on the bike or rower. You can also opt for a 30-minute weighted ruck.

(No Measure)