NC FLEX – Mon, Nov 28

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX

Functional Strength

Metcon (Weight)


Seated Pin Press*

*SET 1: 15 Reps

SET 2: 12 Reps

SET 3: 10 Reps

SET 4: 10 Reps

SET 5: 8 Reps

(Score is Heaviest Weight)

GOAL: RPE 8-9 | Set up J-Hooks on rig sovelightly ab shoulder height while sitting on a box/ bench. You should start with your elbows almost at 90 degrees with arms already under tension after you press off the J-Hooks. Take these slowly and light at first and then build.


Metcon (Checkmark)

1.) 2-3 SETS

20 Alt. DB Strict Press*

25 Banded Tricep Pull-Downs

*Both DB’s start overhead. As one DB lowers the opposite stays locked overhead.

-Rest As Needed b/t Sets-

(No Measure)

2.) 2-3 SETS

15 Wide Grip Curls

25 Kneeling Banded Pull-Downs

-Rest As Needed b/t Sets-

(No Measure)

3.) 2-3 SETS

30 Alt. V-Ups

1:00 Tuck Hold

-Rest As Needed b/t Sets-

(No Measure)

Extra Credit

No Additional Work! (No Measure)