NC FLEX – Fri, Dec 8

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX

Functional Strength

4 SETS (Weight)

Max Reps Pull-up

-Rest 1:30-

8-12 Tempo Supinated Grip Inverted Rows (30X0)

-Rest 1:00-

12-16 Alternating Gorilla Rows (Moderate)

-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-

(Score is Weight)

GOAL: RPE 8 | 3 more weeks of this combo with the goal of building on your total number of pull-ups across all four sets. For the gorilla rows, make sure to pull the DBs to your belly button, not your shoulder. We want this to be all LATS!


Metcon (Checkmark)

1.) 3 SETS

6-8 Strict Press (Moderate-Heavy)

immediately into:

Max Reps Push Press

-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-

2.) 3 SETS

8/8 Split Stance Single Arm DB Press (Moderate)

-Rest 1:30-

12-16 Barbell Upright Row (Moderate)

-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-

3.) 2 SETS

8-12 Neutral Grip DB Bench Press (Heavy)

-Rest 1:00-

Max Reps DB Push-ups

-Rest :30-

Max Reps Overhead DB Tricep Extension (Light)

-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-

(No Measure)

GOAL: RPE 9 | More shoulders, chest, and arms. You will see this piece one more time for the last week of the cycle. LET’S GO!

Extra Credit

8 SETS (Checkmark)

:30 Sprint*

*Run, row, or bike.

-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-

(No Measure)

GOAL: Adding a little sprinting to the program if you have the time for it. Run, row, or bike.