CrossFit – Thu, Aug 3

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit


Warm-Up (No Measure)

2 ROUNDS (6:00 CAP)

100m Run @ Mod Pace

6 Empty Barbell Strict Press

6 Air Squats

6 Straight Leg Sit-Ups

6 Cat Cows



200m Run @ Hard Pace

6 Empty Barbell Push Press

6 Jumping Lunges

6 V-Ups

6 Broad Jumps

Strength – All

Split Jerk (3×2 (80-90%)*)

*Based off 1RM Clean & Jerk. If no 1RM, complete sets at RPE 8-9.

(Score is Weight)

Week 5 of 8 Oly Cycle

Workout – Performance

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


100m Run

5 Shoulder to Overhead (185/135)

200m Run

10 Shoulder To Overhead (155/105)

400m Run

15 Shoulder To Overhead (135/95)

600m Run

20 Shoulder To Overhead (95/65)

800m Run

25 Shoulder to Overhead (65/45)

*If an athlete completes the final round of 800m Run + 25 Shoulder to Overhead, they begin back at the top. The BB weight will stay at the final weight of (65/45).

(Score is Total Rounds + Reps)

KG BB1: (85/60)

KG BB2: (70/47.5)

KG BB3: (60/42.5)

KG BB4: (42.5/30)

KG BB5: (30/20)

Workout – Fitness

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


100m Run

5 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)

200m Run

10 Shoulder To Overhead (115/75)

400m Run

15 Shoulder To Overhead (95/65)

600m Run

20 Shoulder To Overhead (75/55)

800m Run

25 Shoulder to Overhead (45/35)

*If an athlete completes the final round of 800m Run + 25 Shoulder to Overhead, they begin back at the top. The BB weight will stay at the final weight of (45/35).

(Score is Total Rounds + Reps)

KG BB1: (60/42.5)

KG BB2: (52.5/35)

KG BB3: (42.5/30)

KG BB4: (35/25)

KG BB5: (20/15)

Optional Cool Down

2-3 SETS FOR QUALITY (No Measure)

15 Empty Barbell Bicep Curls

10 Alt. Deadbugs

15 Empty Barbell Wide Grip Bent Over Rows

10 Alt. Bird Dogs

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-

(No Measure)