CrossFit – Sun, Oct 8

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit


Warm-Up (No Measure)


1:00 Cardio Choice (RPE 5-6)

5 Cat Cows

10 Sumo Stance Good Mornings

5 Inchworm + 2 Scap Push-Ups

10 Slow Alt. Shoulder Taps


1-2 ROUNDS (Time Permitting)

:45 Cardio Choice (RPE 7-8)

10 Slow Barbell Deadlifts

10 Glute Bridge-Ups

5 Push-Up to Pike + 4 Shoulder Taps*

*Complete a Push-Up to Pike and in the Piked position complete 4 Alt. Shoulder Taps before the next rep.

Workout – Performance

Deadlift (1.) ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK…

Build to a Heavy 3-Rep TNG Deadlift*)

*Bar touches but does not slam into ground.

(Score is Weight)

-Rest 3:00 b/t P1 & P2-

2.) AMRAP x 15 MINUTES (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10 Deadlifts (65% of 3-Rep)

10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Cardio Choice*

*Cardio Choice Options:

20/15 Cal Row

18/14 Cal Bike

15/12 Cal Ski

(Score is Rounds + Reps)

Workout – Fitness

Deadlift (1.) ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK…

Build to a Moderate 3-Rep TNG Deadlift*)

*Bar touches but does not slam into ground.

(Score is Weight)

-Rest 3:00 b/t P1 & P2-

2.) AMRAP x 15 MINUTES (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10 Deadlifts (65% of 3-Rep)

10 Hand Release Push-Ups

Cardio Choice*

*Cardio Choice Options:

15/12 Cal Row

12/10 Cal Bike

12/10 Cal Ski

(Score is Rounds + Reps)

Optional Cool Down

2-3 SETS FOR QUALITY (No Measure)

5/5 Sciatic Nerve Floss

:30/:30 Half Pigeon or Figure 4 Stretch

15 Glute Bridge-Ups

1:00 Glute Bridge Hold

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-

(No Measure)