CrossFit – Mon, Sep 4

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit


Warm-Up (No Measure)


10 Alt. 90-90 Hip Rotations

5/5 Half Kneeling Hip Openers*

5/5 Moose Antlers

5 Up Dog to Down Dog

*One knee on the ground w/the other knee up and foot planted pointed laterally. Slowly rock towards the leg that is out to the side, keeping the heel down; then rock back to neutral. Keep an upright torso.



:20 Fast Air Squats + :40 Slow Air Squats

:20 PVC Strict Press + :40 Slow Strict Press (2nd round w/empty barbell)

:20 Push-Ups + :40 Plank Hold

Strength – All

Thruster (ON A 12:00 RUNNING CLOCK…
Build to a Moderate-Heavy 3-Rep Thruster)

(Score is Weight)

Workout – Performance

Kalsu (Time)

For Time:

100 Thrusters, 135# / 95#

*Perform 5 Burpees Every Minute on the Minute*
In honor of LT Robert James Kalsu (April 13, 1945 – July 21, 1970)
To learn more about Kalsu click here
(Score is Time)

KG BB: (60/42.5)

Workout – Fitness


100 Thrusters (Athlete Choice)

*At the top of each minute, including 0:00, complete 3 Burpees. Reduce reps/load as needed to finish in 20:00 or less. Suggested weight (115/75) or (95/65).

(Score is Time)

Optional Cool Down

ON A 5:00 RUNNING CLOCK… (No Measure)

Empty Barbell Quad Smash or Foam Roll*

*Focus on Quads / Mid-Upper Back / Lats

(No Measure)