CrossFit – Mon, Apr 10

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit


Warm-Up (No Measure)


200m Jog

5 Cat Cows

8 Banded Glute Bridge-Up

6 Banded Glute Bridge-Up + Abduction*

4/4 Banded Fire Hydrants**

*While at the top of the GBU push knees further out and into the band. Hold for a second before beginning knees back to neutral (still keeping band under tension) and lower hips to floor.

**Start on all fours. Keeping leg/ knee at 90 degrees, pull leg up and out to the side getting it as high as possible before lowering down under control.



7 Above the Knee Deadlifts

7 Below The Knee Deadlifts

7 Tempo Deadlifts (11X1)

Strength – All

Deadlift (3×4 @ 11X1*)

*Tempo Deadlift (11X1)

Keep weight Heavy across all sets.

Remember Reading Tempo…

1st Number is ‘Down Portion’

2nd Number is ‘Down Position’

3rd Number is ‘Up Portion’

4th Number is ‘Up Position’

(Score is Weight)

Week 3 of 5 Tempo

Workout – Performance

Metcon (Time)


33 TNG Deadlifts (185/135)

400m Run

22 TNG Deadlifts (225/155)

400m Run

11 TNG Deadlifts (275/185)

400m Run

*For every drop complete 10 Up-Downs Over Bar. Barbell must be held in double-overhand grip. Bar can not be slammed on the TNG, must be a smooth touch and return. Bar can be held at waist but can not rest on the body.

(Score is Time)

KG BB1: (85/60)

KG BB2: (100/70)

KG BB3: (125/85)

Workout – Fitness

Metcon (Time)


30 TNG Deadlifts (135/95)

400m Run

20 TNG Deadlifts (155/105)

400m Run

10 TNG Deadlifts (185/135)

400m Run

*For every drop complete 6 Up-Downs Over Bar. Barbell must be held in double-overhand grip. Bar can not be slammed on the TNG, must be a smooth touch and return. Bar can be held at waist but can not rest on the body.

(Score is Time)

KG BB1: (60/42.5)

KG BB2: (70/47.5)

KG BB3: (85/60)

Optional Cool Down

Metcon (No Measure)


10 Barbell Rollouts

5/5 Sciatic Nerve Floss

5 Cat/Cows

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-

(No Measure)