CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX
Functional Strength
Metcon (Weight)
1+1/2 Back Squat*
*Start Moderate-Light then Moderate then Moderate-Heavy
(Score is Weight)
GOAL: RPE 7 | Squat all the way, come up 1/2 way, return back down and stand. Not looking for failure type of weight today. All about healthy controlled ROM this week.
Metcon (Checkmark)
1.) 3 SETS
20 Alt. DB Reverse Lunges (Mod-Light)
Immediately Into…
15 Tall Box Jumps
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)
2.) 3 SETS
20 DB Toe Elevated RDL (Mod-Light)
Immediately Into…
15 DB Wall ‘Hack’ Squats (Heavy)
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
3.) FOR QUALITY (Optional)
100 Tib Raises
100 Calf Raises
(No Measure)
GOAL: Lower Body + Calf/Ankles focus today. The 15 rep portion of pieces.1 & 2 should feel very taxing.
Extra Credit
Metcon (Checkmark)
Practice Your Balance / Accuracy…you can do this many ways but any way that you choose make sure you’re having fun, feeling your body, and making the adjustments to improve. This is practice and play.
Handstand Practice
Single Leg Practice
Yoga Practice
Throwing Practice
Shooting Practice
Sport Practice
(No Measure)