NC FLEX – Wed, Jun 28

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX

Functional Strength

Deadlift (12-9-6-3-6-9-12*)

*All sets should be Heavy. Second wave must be heavier than first wave. After each set of Deadlifts, perform the same amount of reps of Strict Burpee Pull-Ups (Plank + Push-Up + Stand-Up + Pull-Up — No Tiny Kips).

(Score is Weight)

GOAL: RPE 9 | Hands down…my favorite wave loading pattern movement. In this down ladder, up ladder set-up you should be thinking RPE 8 on the building toward…then RPE 10 at 3…then RPE 9 coming away from 3.


Metcon (Checkmark)



DB Goblet Alt. Step-Up (Heavy)

Single DB Floor Press (Heavy)

DB Weighted Sit-Up (Heavy)

Single DB Push Press (Heavy)*

*Hold DB Across Chest with Both Hands

(Score is Just Finish)

GOAL: This all for the day? Yep. This is a pump odyssey. Enjoy it. If the volume is too much, cut the set of 50 for each off. Playlist is key for this workout.

Extra Credit

FOR RECOVERY (Checkmark)

Perform a Full-Body Yoga Session

Pick 10 Positions and Hold Each for 2:00…rest about :30 b/t positions. Start and end the session with 10 ‘box breaths’. Inhale for :03-:05, Hold Full for :03-:05, Exhale for :03-:05, Hold Empty for :03-:05…repeat pattern until 10 reps.

(No Measure)