
CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NCX


Warm-up (No Measure)


100 m row

5 Inch Worms + Push Up

10 DB Suitcase Deadlifts

5 Up-Downs

10 Step Ups



PFC Nicholas Scott “Cookie” Cook, 3rd Platoon, Battle Company, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team


“The Cookie” (Time)

4 Rounds for Time

43 Elevated Push-Ups (24 in)

19 Box Step-Ups with Kettlebell (each leg, 24 in, 18 lb)

10 Burpee Pull-Ups

505 meter Row

Cash-Out: Exclaim “for the Paratrooper in the Sky” and 1 Elevated Push-Up (24 in)
Background: This hero workout is dedicated to PFC Nicholas Scott “Cookie” Cook, 3rd Platoon, Battle Company, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, US Army, who was killed in action on March 7, 2010, while conducting counter-insurgency operations in Kunar Province, Afghanistan.

In letters read at the service, Capt. Benjamin Nagy and 2nd Lt. Kevin McDonald wrote that during the assault, Cook’s unit was pinned down. Cook, already under attack, moved from cover to a less-secure location to provide better support for his comrades. “You selflessly exposed yourself,” wrote McDonald, the platoon leader. “Many of us here today simply would not be here” without Cook’s action. PFC Cook was posthumously awarded the Silver Star Medal for his selfless bravery that day.

The workout was created by Jonathan Noonan together with all the members of PFC Cook’s platoon.

The rep scheme signifies:

– Total Push-Ups equal 173 to represent the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team

– Elevated Push-Ups were the most common form of physical and remedial training in the unit (said to be elevated because of our status as Paratroopers)

– 19 reps to represent Cook’s age

– Box Step-Ups represents the mountains of Kunar, Afghanistan, his home in Montana where he loved to snowboard, our hilltop Observation Post at COP Monti, and Monte Berico a frequent hill run route at our home station in Italy

– The Kettlebell weight to represent the Mk 48 machine gun, Cook’s assigned weapon

– 10 reps to represent Operation Enduring Freedom 10

– Pull-Ups represent the mandatory exercise for any Airborne soldier

– Burpees represent the maneuver under fire which Cook facilitated with his sacrifice

– 505 meter row x 4 = 2020, which is symbolic of Cook’s KIA date: 7 + March (3) + 2010 (10) = 2020

– The cash-out Push-Up is a tradition of any Paratrooper or Airborne Ranger as a way to pay tribute to those that paid the ultimate sacrifice. Tradition dictates that you mu

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