CrossFit – Sun, Dec 22

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit

Suggested Warm-Up

Warm-Up (No Measure)


1:00 Row

10 Box Step Ups

20 Crunches

10 Shoulder Taps



6 Alt. DB Step Ups*

6 Narrow Grip Tricep Push-Ups

:10 Support Hold

:10 Bottom Dip Hold

*Build to workout weight

Workout – All

FOR TIME* (Time)

200/150 Cal Row

150 Sit-Ups

100 DB Alt. Step-Ups (Athlete Choice)**

50 Strict Ring or Bar Dips

*Partition Reps and Movements in any order to complete for time.

**Hold DB any way above the waist.

(Score is Time)

Optional Cool Down – All

EMOM x 9 MINUTES (No Measure)

MIN 1 – :45 Calf or Foot Smash

MIN 2 – :45 90-90 Hip Rotations

MIN 3 – :45 Rebound Pose

(No Measure)