NC FLEX – Wed, Apr 24

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX


3-4 SETS (Weight)

6 Wide Grip Pull-Ups (Weighted, if possible)

-Rest :10-

12/12 Tempo Single-Arm DB Row (3110)

-Rest :10-

25/25 Single Arm Banded (Or Cable) Straight Arm Pulldowns (Light)

-Rest 3:00 b/t Sets-

(Score is Weight on Chin-Up)
GOAL: RPE 9 | Let’s set those lats on fire. On the DB Row, make sure you are pulling the DB to the belly button, not the shoulder. If you already did 4 sets of this in Week 2, try to squeeze out an extra rep or two on the pull-up.


Metcon (Checkmark)

1.) 3 SETS

12-15 Bent Over Barbell Row (Moderate-Heavy)

-Rest 1:00-

16-20 Top Down Gorilla Rows (Moderate)

-Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-

(No Measure)

2.) 3 SETS

8 Standing Barbell Curl (Moderate-Heavy)

-Rest :10-

20 Alternating Crossbody Hammer Curl (Moderate)

-Rest :10-

12/12 DB Concentration Curl (Moderate)

-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-

(No Measure)
GOAL: RPE 9 | The top-down Gorilla Rows are one of my favorite movements. Really squeeze the lats on those and get to those 16-20 reps. The isometric hold between every rep is where the magic happens on these. For the bicep tri-set, don’t just go through the motions. Really squeeze the arms so we can GROW!