CrossFit – Fri, Dec 8

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit


Warm-Up (No Measure)



200/150m Row

20 Jumping Jacks

10 Alt. Lunges

8 Up-Downs


2-3 ROUNDS (Time Permitting)

5 SLOW Good Mornings

4 Alt. Groiners + Thoracic Twist

5 Kang Squats

5 SLOW Air Squats

5 Jumping Air Squats

Strength – All

Back Squat (12-10-8*)

*Start Light and build to Moderate. This is a deload week in the Strength Cycle.

(Score is Weight)

Week 4 of 5

Strength | Wave-Loading Cycle

Workout – Performance

ON A 16:00 RUNNING CLOCK… (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

2000/1800m Row

-Immediately Into-

AMRAP In Time Remaining…

10 Thrusters (75/55)

10 Up-Downs Over Bar

15 Sit-Ups

(Score is Rounds + Reps)

KG BB: (35/25)

Workout – Fitness

ON A 16:00 RUNNING CLOCK… (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

1750/1600m Row

-Immediately Into-

AMRAP In Time Remaining…

10 Thrusters (45/35)

10 Up-Downs

15 Sit-Ups

(Score is Rounds + Reps)

KG BB: (20/15)

Optional Cool Down

2-3 SETS FOR QUALITY (No Measure)

5 Bodyweight Kang Squats

10 Arm Haulers

15 Glute Bridge Ups

1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-

(No Measure)