CrossFit – Thu, Oct 19

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – CrossFit


Warm-Up (No Measure)


300/250m Row

7 Glute Bridge-Ups


7 Ring Row*

7 Kip Swing

*False Grip optional

Extended Warm-Up – All

EMOM x 8 MINUTES (No Measure)

MIN 1 – 5 Deadlifts*

MIN 2 – :40 Gymnastics Practice**

*Start Light and build to workout weight.

**Gymnastics Options:

(Banded) Pull-Ups

Chest to Bars

Ring Muscle-Ups

(No Measure)

Workout – Performance

FOR TIME* (Time)

2000/1800m Row

60 Deadlifts (225/155)

20 Ring Muscle-Ups**

*Partition reps and movements as needed.

**Option for 60 Pull-Ups.

(Score is Time)

KG BB: (100/70)

Workout – Fitness

FOR TIME* (Time)

1600/1200m Row

60 Deadlifts (155/105)

30 Up-Down Pull-Ups**

*Partition reps and movements as needed.

**Option for 40 Pull-Ups.

(Score is Time)

KG BB: (70/47.5)

Optional Finisher

FOR QUALITY (No Measure)

400/300 Alt. Box Step-Ups (24/20)*

Week 2 of 4 — “Chad” Extra Credit

*Weight Vest Optional

(No Measure)