CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX
Functional Strength
FOR QUALITY (Checkmark)
100 Single Unders
50 DB Goblet Squats
25/25 DB Snatch
50 Weighted Sit-Ups
50 Single Unders
25 DB Goblet Squats
15/15 DB Snatch
25 Weighted Sit-Ups
100 Single Unders
(No Measure)
GOAL: RPE 7 | Chipper-style functional strength today. This one is not for time…buti it could be. My preference for today would be to try to keep things cool, calm, and collected throughout. Really feel every rep.
Metcon (Checkmark)
1.) 3×15
DB Floor Press (Heavy)*
*Optional Superset…Max DB Chest Fly (Light) immediatelty after each set.
(No Measure)
2.) 3×10
1+1/2 EZ Bar Curl (Mod-Heavy)*
*Optional Superset…Max Plate Gun Hold immediately after each set.
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)
3.) 3×30
Banded Tricep Push-Down
*Optional Superset…Max Reps of Bench Dips.
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)
GOAL: Simple…arm pump.
Extra Credit
ON A 20:00-40:00 RUNNING CLOCK… (Checkmark)
Brisk Walk or Hike w/ Slow & Controlled Nasal Breathing*
*Weight Vest Optional…
Beginner — No weight
Intermediate — 20lb Vest or Ruck
Advanced — 50lb Vest or Ruck
(No Measure)
GOAL: RPE 6 | Take a hike, my friends!