NC FLEX – Tue, May 23


Memorial Day Weekend Hours, there will be 3 heats on Saturday the 27th. Heat 1: 6AM, Heat 2 7:30AM and Heat 3 9am. Classes will be 90 minutes, please plan accordingly. Sunday can be a make-up day during open gym. Monday we are closed to observe the holiday.

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX

Functional Strength

Metcon (3 Rounds for weight)


10 DB Power Snatch (L)

100′ Single DB OH Walk (L)

10 DB Power Snatch (R)

100′ Single DB OH Walk (R)

1:00 Ring FLR

-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-

(Score is Weight)

GOAL: RPE 7 | Use this more as a primer for the EMOM below.


Metcon (Weight)


MIN 1 – :50 DBL DB Sumo Deadlift (Heavy)

MIN 2 – :50 DBL DB Push Press (Heavy)

MIN 3 – EZ Cardio

(Score is Weight)

GOAL: RPE 9 | Sell out on Min 1 & 2…recover in the cardio portion. This one will get really challenging with the right weight…which is heavier than you want to choose.

Extra Credit

FOR QUALITY (Checkmark)

100 Strict Toes to Bar

(No Measure)