NC FLEX – Mon, May 15

CrossFit Mettle and Honor – NC FLEX

Functional Strength

Weighted Pull-ups (10 SETS
3 Weighted Pull-Ups*)

*Option to increase weight or use the same weight across for all 10 sets. Pull-Ups must be performed unbroken.

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-

(Score is Weight)

GOAL: RPE 8 | Repeating some of these fun tests from mid-April! This should not be a 3-rep Max. Looking to challenging sets for most of the 10 assigned sets but you should have something left in the tank.


Metcon (Checkmark)

1.) 5 SETS

10 Seated DB Shoulder Press (Mod-Heavy)

10 DBL DB Bent Over Rows (Mod-Heavy)

30 Standing Banded Face Pulls

-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-

(No Measure)

2.) 5 SETS

20 Empty Barbell Curls

20 Alt. Deadbugs*

*Use empty barbell pressed out over chest.

-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets-

(No Measure)

GOAL: RPE 7 | Upper Body / Midline

Extra Credit

FOR RECOVERY (Checkmark)

Perform a Full-Body Yoga Session

Pick 10 Positions and Hold Each for 2:00…rest about :30 b/t positions. Start and end the session with 10 ‘box breaths’. Inhale for :03-:05, Hold Full for :03-:05, Exhale for :03-:05, Hold Empty for :03-:05…repeat pattern until 10 reps.

(No Measure)